Microsoft is testing the integration of ads into the Bing chatbot 😏

Although Microsoft claims that the ads will be clearly marked and not confused with other responses, there are concerns about the user experience and advertising ethics.

One of the main concerns is that ads may precede organic responses, as in traditional search engine results, which could be particularly unpleasant if users are unaware of it, affecting their trust in the chatbot’s responses.

However, on the other hand, advertisers may see the integration as an opportunity to interact more personally with customers through the chatbot system.

Microsoft has stated that it’s exploring new opportunities for ad experiences and may add a hover feature that reveals more links from an advertiser’s website. 

Microsoft is also considering sharing ad revenue with partners whose content contributed to the response in Bing Chat.

Interestingly, news of the ads appeared the day after it was reported that Microsoft threatened to cut off access to Bing search data for companies if they try to use it to create their chatbots.

This move shows that Microsoft is not only building and monetizing its own artificial intelligence, but also doing everything possible to protect it from potential competitors.

Although the integration of ads into the Bing chatbot may provide new opportunities for advertisers to attract customers, it also raises certain concerns about the user experience and advertising ethics. Microsoft must be careful about how it integrates ads to maintain user trust and ensure the reliability and impartiality of the chatbot’s responses.