AI Assistance in Managing Customer Feedback

Don’t have time to check and respond quickly to reviews on various platforms? Are your location rankings deteriorating due to unanswered negative customer reviews? 

We have a solution to these problems, that’s why we added artificial intelligence and automation to the Getpin account review processing system.

What is the importance of reviews?

Working with reviews is an integral and extremely important part of business-to-customer communication. Thanks to informative and positive reviews, customers are more likely to see your company in search results. Negative reviews, on the other hand, can potentially influence the user’s choice of your product or service.

According to research,

56% of consumers said that a company’s response to reviews gives an idea of how responsible and caring the company is.*

45% of consumers report that they are more likely to choose a business if it responds to bad reviews.**

Therefore, it is especially important to respond promptly to different types of reviews, which is a problem for businesses, because the more locations you have, the more time and resources you need to spend on monitoring.

Our Solution

Getpin’s single sign-on solution helps manage the customer experience across third-party online platforms. Thus:

  • all reviews about your business are collected in one account, 
  • there is no need to check several resources, such as Google Business Profile, Facebook,, Minfin,, and soon Tripadvisor, 
  • you can quickly and easily analyze the performance of each location, including through customer feedback.

Additionally, Getpin provides an option to set up notifications about different types of feedback, which is especially important in case of negative feedback and conflict situations with users of your products or services. Notifications will be sent to your email or Telegram to help you respond quickly and turn negative feedback into a positive experience. 

You can classify reviews as:

  • negative / positive,
  • with text / without text,
  • by keywords.

Benefits of automation and AI integration in the Getpin account

We have integrated artificial intelligence into the account, so from now on, AI will help generate personalized responses to customers. Our algorithm provides an individual response based on the analysis of keywords from the review and information about the location where the feedback was left. 

Then you can choose whether to set up automatic sending of AI-generated texts or manual approval of the proposed text by a manager.


For those who are not yet comfortable with AI technologies, Getpin offers the possibility to prepare answer templates.

Here is a simple algorithm:

  1. You create variants of templates depending on the customer’s rating, the text of the review, or keywords.
  2. When you receive a review, Getpin offers certain templates from the available ones, depending on the context of the review and the tone of the review.
  3. Choose the most appropriate one and send it.

You can also set a scenario that will trigger the autoresponder.  For example, for reviews without comments but with a rating. 

How it looks like:

A customer gives 4-5 ⭐ without any comments – an automatic response: “Thank you for your high rating!”. 

So, choose templates or artificial intelligence and set up automatic sending of responses or manual moderation, depending on the scenarios you set. 

Save your managers’ time and improve customer experience with Getpin!


**Review Trackers