50+ catalogs and classifieds

Manage all the placements from Getpin’s single dashboard

Having the information about your company published on your website is not enough: customers look for information via classifieds and catalogs — therefore, your business has to be featured there

Fill in the information about your company once and it will appear on 50+ platforms.

Ultimately, you save time and gain absolute control with Getpin

Links to all the classifieds and placements to track the relevance of the information

Automatic information updates once this information is changed via Getpin’s dashboard
информации в кабинете Getpin

More links on third-party resources — more website clicks and sales

Manage all the placements

Getpin’s dashboard shows the current status of a placement on any selected resource

One click and you see how your classified looks like

information update

You change the information about your company via Getpin’s dashboard and it changes on all the connected platform automatically.

It’s easy and convenient

More links
means more sales

The number of links leading to your website helps search engine crawlers to evaluate its usefulness to the user.

You get more traffic, and, as a result, sales

Getpin helps your business be
where customers are looking for it.
50+ online platforms at Getpin’s single dashboard