Getpin Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (Policy) has been devised to explain how we protect your information. Your confidentiality is a top priority for us.

This Policy applies to your use of Getpin (hereinafter referred to as the Company) website at (Website).

This Policy does not apply to any other websites, used by the Company, but not controlled by the Company. We urge you to read this Policy very carefully. It applies to anyone who visits or uses the Website.

The Company may amend this Policy.

In the case we amend this Policy in any way, and such amending requires your consent, you will additionally be asked such consent. We recommend that you check this Policy from time to time to keep yourself informed of any changes we have made.

Types of Information We May Collect

We collect information that is required for you to use the Website. 

Upon your consent we may collect your full name, a record of all of our communication, your native or preferred language, your email address, phone number, your company name.

We will keep a record of your communications with us sent by phone through email or Website. We may use your email address and/or telephone number to provide you information that might be of interest to you and for marketing and advertising purposes.

The Use of Cookies

When you visit Website we store data collectors such as cookies, tags, pixels etc. (“Cookies”) in your browser to get certain information about your current browsing session. Cookies enable the Website to remember your actions and preferences over a period, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the Website or browse from one page to another. We also may collect information about the device you are using, your browser, operating system and other network information. Cookies are used as follows.

Required Cookies.
Cookies required for Website functionality.

We use Required Cookies to operate Website. It is needed to provide core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. It also includes ensuring that we remember products you were interested in, your language preferences, your browser, device, operating system. These Cookies are stored for a period of your browsing session. Without these Cookies, you will not be able to view Website properly. These Cookies do not require your consent and are stored on the basis of legitimate interest.

Analytics Cookies.
These Cookies are used in order to improve the performance of Website. This includes using the data we collected from you to do the following:

  • Web analytics (On grounds of your browsing behaviour, we may analyse the data to improve functionality and design of Website)
  • Error management (We measure errors presented on a Website, to make sure we fix bugs promptly).

These Cookies are stored on the basis of your consent.

Marketing Cookies.
These Cookies are provided by third parties and are used to track visitors across websites and display relevant, opportune and engaging advertisements. You may see these advertisements on our Website and on other websites that you visit. These Cookies are persistent but time-limited. These Cookies contain a unique key to distinguish individual users’ browsing habits.
Please pay attention that if you disable these Cookies, you will still see advertisements with the only difference that they are not tailored to meet your interests. These Cookies are stored on the basis of your consent.

You can change your browser settings to delete or prevent certain Cookies from being stored on your computer or mobile device without your consent.

The Cookies used to collect your device information and browsing behaviour are stored in your browser for the session or for as long as you do not clear your browser settings. The data we get through the Cookies related to other purposes will be stored for the duration of that purpose.

Purposes For Personal Information Usage

Your personal data will be used only for the following purposes:

  1. To manage, improve and maintain the Getpin Website and the services we provide;
  2. To respond to visitor/user requests and inquiries;
  3. To prevent abuse and fraud in the use of our Website;
  4. To gather and aggregate data on the use of Website;
  5. To store user access information so they do not have to re-enter it every time they visit;
  6. For marketing and advertising.
  7. To perform other internal business tasks and functions.

Should any of these purposes change or should we add more purposes, users will be notified and user consent will be requested.

How We Protect Your Information

We use the latest sophisticated technology to securely store your personal information. For details on the technology we use, please contact our support team via [email protected], so that they may put you in touch with our data privacy IT team.

Our Commitment to Data Protection Principles

We are in full compliance with the following principles of data protection:

Fair and Lawful Processing of Personal Information.
We collect your personal information only after you provide your consent for us to do so. And we collect that information only for specific purposes which are here outlined. We have developed procedures for data collection that are in full compliance with the law.

Transparent Collection.
We process personal information with your consent and with your full knowledge of how that information will be used by us.

Limits on Purposes of Data Collection.
We only use personal information for the purposes outlined in this document and after you have signed a consent form for such collection. Only those individuals involved in the processing of your information will see it at any time. If there are any changes made to the purposes for which we use your information, we will request additional consent from you.

Minimum Amount of Data is Collected.
We only collect the information that is necessary for the purposes we have outlined above. We do not request or collect any information that is not absolutely necessary.

Commitment to Accuracy.
We want personal information to be accurate and up-to-date. We do rely on users to provide updates to us as necessary and to inform us if any data is outdated or inaccurate. Such inaccuracies will be corrected immediately.

Limits of Storage.
Again, we collect and store personal data for the purposes listed in this document. We also have limits on both the scope of the data we store and the amount of time for which we store it.

Security is Our Priority.
We fully acknowledge that personal data must be secured to protect its integrity. And we use every measure at our disposal to prevent any breach of our systems, any illegal activity relative to processing and distribution of data, including even accidental modification or loss.

We Are Accountable for adhering to these seven principles for data protection and will be happy to demonstrate our compliance upon request.

Processing of Personal Data/Information

We may process personal data in any number of ways – collection, organization, storage, adaptation, alteration, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, erasure, combinations, and even destruction. 

We may transfer information to any subsidiary of the Company that we may establish.

Information may be transferred to the Companies’ partners, advertising agencies, social media platforms, companies that render cloud solutions for storage of information.

We will not transfer personal data without reasonably ensuring that your rights and freedoms as a data subject are protected and that you are informed of such transfer.

How Getpin Stores Personal Data

All personal information we collect is then stored within our own systems, said systems owned by The Company and operated by the Company’s staff. We store it in secure cloud systems as well.

Once you have provided your information, we will make it our duty to protect that information, using all reasonable security measures at our disposal.

Personal Information Disclosure

As stated, we will never intentionally provide a third-party with your information, unless you have provided prior written consent. There are exceptions to this “rule,” for example when such information is requested by a law enforcement agency or judiciary branch. As well, we will turn personal information over to law enforcement should we believe that any individual has engaged in illegal activity.

Users must understand that any time they use their personal devices and use those devices to provide personal information over the internet, there is the potential for theft of that information. We will therefore not guarantee the security of any information that is transmitted over the internet.

Third-Party Links and Content on the Website

Users of Getpin’s Website will find information, products, and links to third parties. While we take every precaution to ensure that third-parties featured on our website are reputable, we do not guarantee their content, their products or services, or the security of their websites if users link to them from our Website.

Once a user leaves Getpin’s Website and moves to another, that company’s privacy policy is in effect, not ours. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third party websites before providing your information to them.

Your Rights to Privacy

You have all of the privacy granted to you by law and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – rights that are complied with by our company. These are as follows:

  • Get a copy of your personal data;
  • Access your personal data;
  • Make sure your personal data is correct;
  • Delete your personal data;
  • Object your personal data as processed on basis of legitimate interest;
  • Obtain a portable file of your personal data;
  • Withdraw consent;
  • Restrict the use of your personal data;
  • Not to be subject to a decision, based solely on the automated processing; and
  • Lodge a complaint with a local data protection authority.

To obtain your rights, please, contact our customer support office via [email protected].