Bye-Bye Google Business Chat and Call Feature

Google will be ending the chat and call history features in Google Business Profile on July 31, 2024. Information from Google says that they will stop allowing new chats to be initiated starting on July 15, 2024 and then will totally disable the chat and call history features on July 31, 2024.


Google Search and Maps have offered a Business Messages capability that allowed customers to contact businesses via text chat. This feature will now be discontinued in July. For businesses that enabled this feature, a “Chat” button appeared in listings on Google Search and Maps, facilitating chat conversations with the business, including the ability to send/receive images.

Messages sent through Google Account were stored and encrypted with Google Cloud, keeping users’ phone numbers private. Only names and profile pictures (if set) were shared with businesses.

Official Announcement

Recently Google announced that this feature will be stopped. Businesses receives the mail, that says:

“We are reaching out to share that we will be winding down Google’s chat and call history features in Google Business Profile on July 31, 2024. We acknowledge this may be difficult news – as we continually improve our tools, we occasionally have to make difficult decisions which may impact the businesses and partners we work with. It’s important to us that Google remains a helpful partner as you manage your business and we remain committed to this mission.”

Dates to Remember 

So, at July the 15th, 2024: Searchers will no longer be able to start new chat conversations with your business from Google Maps or Google Search. However, searchers that are already in existing chat conversations will be notified that chat will be phased out.

then, at July the 31th, 2024: The chat functionality in Google Business Profile will end completely and you will no longer receive new chat messages. You will also no longer be able to see your Google Business Profile call history in Google Business Profile.

What You Should Do

If you used these features for your business, you should be aware they are going away soon. You may want to download your chat and call history before the deadline, so that you can archive that data in your CRM software and database, or store them somewhere else.

As an alternative to Google Business Messages you can use other channels of communication, as phone, other messengers, social media or Reserve with Google function.

Consider Getpin’ Solution

For your convenience and in order to save resources, we propose you to use Getpin’ solution. It allows you to manage your listing on Search and Maps, social media and other platforms. Additionally, useful statistics are available.

For more detailed information contact us on the website, on social media or just ask your Getpin’ manager.